My Recovery Journey from COVID – The Invisible Monster

With all the precautions and following all the protocols yet somehow, I managed to contact the virus. After getting the symptoms like sore throat and fever I immediately contacted my doctor and isolate myself. I started my medication the day I had a fever for the first time and got my RT-PCR test done. My fever was under check by the 3rd day but my RT-PCR report came only after 5 days and I was detected Covid +ve. Although I was pretty sure that it was COVID but just like any other person I was in denial mode. This is a human tendency that we go into denial if anything happens against our wish. Honestly, I didn’t panic at all as I had started following all the protocols and medication in a timely manner. I was calm but the only concern for me was my family. So basically, if you are having any symptoms start your medication immediately in consultation with your doctor. Don’t wait for the test reports and isolate yourself from others. Don’t think your enemy is weak, it’s more dangerous and deadly than you can ever imagine. The day I got my reports I lost my sense of smell and I contacted my doctor and she prescribed few more medicines and after 4-5 days I got my sense of smell back.

I must say that recovering from COVID is not a linear process, unlike most diseases. I’m still in my recovery mode and with each passing day, I feel better. Make sure to maintain a healthy and balanced diet while you are recovering from COVID. Drink lots of water, don’t let yourself dehydrate. Do breathing exercise regularly. Stay positive, it is good if you. Avoid watching too much news related to COVID and just follow regular protocols. Watch Netflix, Youtube or whatever you like basically anything that cheers up your mood. Don’t let these scary numbers overpower you. A healthy mind is the base of a healthy body and soul.
There is no need for hospitalisation, it can be cured at home as long as :-
You are not facing any breathing issues.
The oxygen saturation level is 95 or above (mine was always above 95).
No discomfort in the chest.
With medication, the temperature comes to normal.
No previous health complications.

Above all your doctor knows it better so consult your doctor immediately, don’t be in denial mode that it’s not COVID. Stay positive and don’t panic, timely medications will surely help you to overcome this as a winner. Every case is unique, it doesn’t follow a pattern so be more vigilant. Stay in touch with your doctor on regular basis and follow his/her advice to make sure the situation is under control. These are testing times so stay home stay safe.